February 15, 2014

Now that I have completed the JS and Rails courses at Portland Code School I am learning some of the major front-end JavaScript frameworks in more detail. This list includes Backbone.js, Ember.js, and Angular. I am also interested in learning how to use Node.js as a resful API service for the back-end.

JS Framworks

The last few weeks I have been reading up on these frameworks and attending JS meetups here in PDX. My plan for the next two months is to create an app using each of these frameworks and Rails as a backend.

Here is the repo for my first app, a Backbone on Rails app that utilizes Marionette. For my capstone projects at Portland Code School I created a Rails app and a Backbone.js app.

I will update this blog periodically to let world know how it’s going…

Books I'm Reading During My Sabbatical

A brief introduction to Computer Science Continue reading

Dynamic Programming in Ruby

Published on October 05, 2017

What I've learned about React.JS

Published on December 31, 2016